Questions that
make life better.

Glass & Aluminium

How many times can this tube be recycled? What will happen to this bottle in 100 years? In what other object can this pot be turned into? What happens if it ends up in the ocean? These are the questions we ask ourselves when we analyze our packaging, and that have led us to replace plastic with endlessly recyclable materials like glass and aluminum. Sustainability and functionality are indispensable, but we believe packaging should be appealing, too. That’s why each Insight pack is an original creation that embodies lightness and elegance.

The discreetness of glass

Our amber-colored polished glass pots and bottles are pleasant to the touch and protect the product from UV radiation. Glass is a fascinating material. It can be used and reused infinite times without ever losing its qualities. Then, when its life comes to an end, it turns into sand and leaves quietly without anyone noticing.

The honesty of aluminum

The aluminum in our tubes doesn’t pretend to be something else. When you squeeze that tube, it seems like a living entity that changes shape. Aluminum is super resistant; it can be recycled infinite times, and it’s honest because every stage of its lifecycle—from extraction to production and from use to recycling—is documented and traceable, allowing for an accurate analysis of its environmental impact.

Our labels, what a pioneer!

Ocean Action labels give new life to plastics that otherwise would end up in the ocean, threatening the entire marine ecosystem. Our labels are the first made from ocean-bound plastic in the cosmetic sector. They are completely recyclable and solve a big problem.

An RFID tag for every product

Every Insight product has an RFID tag, a radiofrequency-based tracking system. This system simplifies logistics and speeds up inventory checks and management. It also ensures the authenticity of the Insight product anywhere in the world.

RafCycle: turning waste into resources

The RafCycle upcycling program allows us to recover incinerator-bound label release liners and transform them into other materials to make new products. All this helps us reduce waste, transform it into resources, and promote a circular economy.